Application for Overseas Travel Approval at SOKENDAI

SOKENDAI has established guidelines for international travel for students, which stipulate the procedures to be taken within the University when traveling abroad.

If you intend to travel abroad, please be sure to check this page and follow the necessary procedures before traveling.

Application for overseas travel becomes necessary in the following cases

The necessary procedures differ depending on the level of overseas danger information and overseas infectious disease danger information of the destination country and the business you are traveling to. Please check the flow chart below.


Deadlines for submitting documents for each procedure vary depending on the type of procedure and major. Please check in advance.

Application Documents (Forms)

Please refer to the Guide for Travel Abroad for information on what to keep in mind when preparing documents.

Documents for Notification
(Form 1-1) Notification of Visit to Foreign Countries
Documents common to Application(A)/Application(B)
(Form 2-1) Application for Overseas Travel
(Form 3) Basic Written Pledge For Japanese Students
For Students from Foreign Countries

The following documents do not have a specific format. If you have similar documents for your overseas travel project, you may submit them as is.

  • Documentary evidence of acceptance approval at the travel destination
  • Itinerary
  • Documentary evidence of overseas travel insurance
  • Emergency Contact Chart
  • Explanation by Faculty Advisor
  • Additional documents

Submit upon return

(Form 6) Report on Returning to Japan from Overseas Travel