July 30, 2018

【募集】平成30年度SOKENDAI短期派遣・長期インターンシッププログラムの募集(第4回)について 【The fourth call】 SOKENDAI Short-term Research Abroad&Long-term Internship Program

平成30年度「SOKENDAI 短期派遣・長期インターンシッププログラム」の派遣学生の募集を行います。



We are accepting application for "SOKENDAI Short-term Research Abroad & Long-term Internship Program" FY2018.

This program encourages SOKENDAI students to seek a short-term research opportunity abroad and/or a long-term collaborative research project in and outside Japan that may lead to their career in the future. The program follows the educational goals of SOKENDAI, "advanced specialties and expertise," "broad perspective," and "international competitiveness," and intends to financially support such research opportunities of SOKENDAI students. (The"short-term abroad program" and "internship program" (both undertaken until 2017) have been merged into this new program.)

For details, please see the following application guidelines.

平成30年度募集要項【第2版】 / 2018 Application Guide(ver.02)

申請書類 / Application Documents


※Each category requires different documents. Check what documents to submit for your category

(1) [様式FORM1-1]申請書/Application Form
(2) [様式 FORM1-2]推薦書/Letter of Reference by Advisor
(3-1) [様式?由]受?機関(受?教員等)の受?承諾書 /[NO FORM]Letter of Acceptance from a visiting institute
(3-2) 申請者の名前が記された研究集会プログラム等の写し(開催場所、スケジュール、申請者の名前が記されたページ等)、もしくは、申請者本?が発表することがわかる資料の写し【区分①は、(3-1)ないし(3-2)の提出】

A copy of academic/research conference program that lists your name (pages that mention venue, schedule, your name, etc.), or, A copy of a document that proves your presentation 【Category1: (3-1) or(3-2)】
(4) 航空運賃?積書【区分③は航空券が必要な場合のみ提出】/ Estimate for one-round airfare 【Category3: If travelling by air】
(5) 宿泊料見積書、もしくは宿泊料算出のもとになる資料 / Estimate for accommodation expense
(6) 賠償責任付海外旅?総合保険料の算出のもとになる資料【区分③以外】/ Estimate for overseas travel insurance (including liability coverage) 【Category1&2】
(7) ?援対象経費 (6)その他(受講料、参加費、施設使?料)の内容、?額等の 内訳が明記された資料、また?額の根拠資料  ※支援を申請する場合のみ / Document(s) that specifies the contents and estimates of seminar registration fee(s) and/or use-of-facility charge(s) (For the Expenses covered by the Program Grant- (6) Others)

■ 提出期限までに、申請書類(3-2)が間に合わない場合は、研究集会プログラム・概要等(開催場所・?時を含む)の写しとともに、申請者本?の発表についていつまでに承諾の連絡を受け、発表の可否が確定されるかなどの説明を添付すること。

If you are unable to prepare the (3-2) by the deadline, attach a copy of the conference information (venue and date),with a brief description that shows by when you will know whether your presentation proposal is accepted, etc.


If you are unable to prepare the (4) to (7) by the deadline, please notice the contact office (in Hayama) beforehand.

提出期限 Application Deadline

・第1回締切 2018/3/6 (出発可能日 2018/4/1以降)
・第2回締切 2018/5/11 (出発可能日 2018/7/1以降)
・第3回締切 2018/7/13 (出発可能日 2018/9/1以降)
・第4回締切 2018/10/12 (出発可能日 2018/12/1以降)
※ 応募状況によっては、第4回目の募集は行いません。

・First Call Tuesday, March 6th, 2018 (Possible earliest departure date: Sunday, April 1st, 2018)
・Second Call Friday, May 11th, 2018 (Possible earliest departure date: Sunday, July 1st, 2018)
・Third Call Friday, July 13th, 2018 (Possible earliest departure date: Saturday, September 1st, 2018)
・Fourth Call Friday, October 12th, 2018 (Possible earliest departure date: Saturday, December 1st, 2018)

※ The fifth call may be canceled due to the volume of the applications in the previous call(s).