"The fish that takes it out on others"

"The fish that takes it out on others"

Ito, Munehiko
(Department of Evolutionary Studies of Biosystems, School of Advanced Sciences)

We spoke with Munehiko Ito, a second year student in the doctoral course of Department of Evolutionary Studies of Biosystems, who studies at the Hayama Campus of SOKENDAI headquarters. Ito studies the social behaviors of the cichlid fish by behavior observation and computer simulation. In the interview, we asked him about his research and his future intentions.

Q: Why did you choose SOKENDAI?

A: I chose SOKENDAI as it would give me an opportunity to study behavioral ecology and it had a good research environment such as animal rooms. Having studied frogs in my undergraduate course and guppies in my master's course, I wanted to study fish or amphibians further. I heard the faculty speak at a briefing session on the Department of Evolutionary Studies of Biosystems held in Akihabara, and later on I visited the lab. There, I was impressed with its facilities, research assistants, financial aid such as traveling cost support for research purposes, and communication opportunities with researchers of mathematical biology and molecular evolution. I'm very fortunate to be able to study as I wish in such a well-prepared environment.

Q: Please tell us about the details of your study.
Cichlids (fish in Cichlidae family)

A: With pack animals, subordinate individuals have the benefit of not being preyed upon easily by predators, and of easily finding food sources. However, they may have disadvantages such as being restricted from breeding, or being attacked by dominant animals. In order for them to stay in the group, the subordinate individuals are thought to use various behaviors to reduce conflicts with dominant individuals.
We think that, as part of conflict-reducing behaviors, there is a taking-it-out-on-others behavior (restricted aggression). Restricted aggression means that, when one animal is attacked by a dominant individual, it immediately attacks a third individual that is not involved in the attack. The function may be to avoid attacks from others by a show of strength.

Conducting a behavior experiment

My research into such behaviors uses the cichlid fish. The cichlid is known to have interesting behaviors such as 'mouth breeding,' that is protecting eggs and young in its mouth, and it is commonly studied in the fields of behavioral ecology and evolutionary biology. Using fish with such traits, I tried to verify if they had a behavior of restricted aggression by using actual measurement values obtained in behavior experiments and data obtained by computer simulations. The results indicated that there is a high possibility that they actually conduct such behavior. Currently, I am trying to find out what kind of functions restricted aggression has.

Q: Tell us about your thoughts on the classes at SOKENDAI.

A: They are very diversified, and many are beneficial for my future studies. For instance, in Science English Presentation Class, I learned what kinds of presentations are required in lectures and in lab courses. On the last day of this class, utilizing what I had learned in the class, I made a presentation in front of many researchers from the U.S. and Europe. As it happened to be a few months prior to my presentation at an international conference, it gave me a perfect rehearsal opportunity, and the confidence to make presentations in English. As mentioned, SOKENDAI offers many useful classes, and it is an ideal environment for those who aim to be researchers.

Q: How do you spend your days off?
Ito talking about species of the cichlid

A: I sometimes help out as a staff member at events related to environmental education, or take care of the cichlids I breed at home. I may also go out to nearby restaurants around Zushi or Kamakura areas with my colleagues if our days off coincide.
An NPO is involved in organizing the environmental education events, and I have been a member of that NPO since my master's course. During June, which is the 'environment month', I participated in an environmental education event organized by NHK. There, I taught young children craftwork with acorns and how to make a model of a flying seed.

Q: What is your intention after acquiring your PhD?

I am hoping to work at a museum or a university. As I am interested in environmental education, while I continue my research at such research institutes, I would like to continue teaching the wonders and attractions of living creatures to children through crafts workshops or nature classes.

Q: What is your advice to those who are aiming to pursue doctoral courses?

A: The research environment is very important in a doctoral course. So it is better to choose a laboratory at which you can pursue the field that interests you, instead of choosing it by merely a university name.
In the Department of Evolutionary Studies of Biosystems, there are ample opportunities to communicate with researchers in other fields. They sometimes give me unexpected advice, and that widens my perspective on my own research.

- After the Interview -

This interview was conducted in the fish breeding room owned by Ito's lab. There were many aquaria in the room, and quite a few cichlids of several varieties were kept there. It was impressive that he was doing research freely in an ideal environment, and talking joyfully about his research. When someone like him who specializes in animals is engaged in environmental education for children, his interest in the animals is likely to be communicated to the children.


Ito, Munehiko

Ito, Munehiko

Status: Department of Evolutionary Studies of Biosystems, School of Advanced Sciences
Special Field: Behavioral Ecology

Graduated from the Environmental Science Department, School of Human Sciences of Waseda University in March 2010. Completed master's degree in the Biology course at the Graduate School of Tokyo Gakugei University, Education Studies, Science Education Special Course in March 2012. Enrolled in Department of Evolutionary Studies of Biosystems Doctoral Course at the School of Advanced Sciences of SOKENDAI(the Graduate School of Advanced Studies) since April, 2013.