
From AY2023, each subject at our university will be assigned a "level" (1-4, research guidance subject) and indicated which of the five aspects of " competence as an independent researcher " (academic expertise, creativity, broad perspective, global competence, and research integrity) is related to the learning goals of the subject. Please refer to the web syllabus for "Level" and "Competence" of the subject.

Course Outline and Courses AY2024

  •  Courses by Program:
Course Outline Correspondence Table of Old and New Curriculum Courses by Program
Dissertation Work in Advanced Studies 〔Correspondence Table of Old and New Curriculum〕  Courses of AY2024 by Level
Anthropological Studies 〔Correspondence Table of Old and New Curriculum〕  Courses of AY2024 by Level
Japanese Studies 〔Correspondence Table of Old and New Curriculum〕  Courses of AY2024  by Level
Japanese History 〔Correspondence Table of Old and New Curriculum〕

  Courses of AY2024 by Level 

Japanese Literature 〔Correspondence Table of Old and New Curriculum〕  Courses of AY2024 by Level Timetable, etc.
Japanese Language Sciences 〔Correspondence Table of Old and New Curriculum〕  Courses of AY2024 by Level Timetable, etc.
Informatics 〔Correspondence Table of Old and New Curriculum〕

 Courses of AY2024 by Level Timetable, etc.

Statistical Science 〔Correspondence Table of Old and New Curriculm〕

 Courses of AY2024 by Level Timetable, etc.

Particle and Nuclear Physics 〔Correspondence Table of Old and New Curriculum〕 Courses of AY2024 by Level
Accelerator Science 〔Correspondence Table of Old and New Curriculum〕  Courses of AY2024 by Level
Astronomical Science 〔Correspondence Table of Old and New Curriculum〕

 Courses of AY2024 by Level  Timetable, etc.

Fusion Science 〔Correspondence Table of Old and New Curriculum〕  Courses of AY2024 by Level Timetable, etc.
Space and Astronautical Science 〔Correspondence Table of Old and New Curriculum〕

 Courses of AY2024 by Level Timetable,etc

Molecular Science 〔Correspondence Table of Old and New Curriculam〕

 Courses of AY2024 by Level Timetable, etc.

Materials Structure Science 〔Correspondence Table of Old and New Curriculum〕  Courses of AY2024 by Level
Global Environmental Studies 〔Correspondence Table of Old and New Curriculum〕  Courses of AY2024 by Level
Polar Science 〔Correspondence Table of Old and New Curriculum〕  Courses of AY2024 by Level Timetable, etc.
Basic Biology 〔Correspondence Table of Old and New Curriculum〕

 Courses of AY2024 by Level Timetable, etc.

Physiological Sciences 〔Correspondence Table of Old and New Curriculum〕  Courses of AY2024 by Level Timetable, etc.
Genetics 〔Correspondence Table of Old and New Curriculum〕

 Courses of AY2024 by Level Timetable, etc.

Integrative Evolutionary Science 〔Correspondence Table of Old and New Curriculum〕  Courses of AY2024 by Level
Others 〔Correspondence Table of Old and New Curriculum〕  Courses of AY2024 by Level


The Graduate University for Advanced Studies, SOKENDAI
Educational Affairs Section
TEL: +81-46-858-1582/1524

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